About Us

Welcome to Materials of the Day. This is your trusted website to better understand the world of technology. We understand that it can be difficult to keep up with all the technological news that emerges all the time. Our goal is to make this information easier for you.

Our team is made up of people who really like technology. We have different levels of knowledge, but we all want to learn more about technology. We believe that all information is important and helps to better understand this digital world.

Our mission is to make information about technology simple to understand. We think learning about technology should be easy, not difficult. Therefore, we try to write our articles very clearly, without using complicated words.

What you find here:

  • Simple articles: Our commitment is to content that clarifies your doubts easily.
  • Useful recommendations: We show you apps and tools that we think you'll find useful.
  • Full analytics: We analyze new products and technologies in detail to help you understand whether they are good choices.

We want you to learn with us. Materias do Dia is not just an information site. We want to help you learn and grow, whether it's your personal interest in technology or your career.

Invite others to learn too. Technology is a big subject and understanding it becomes easier when we share what we learn.

Thank you for being part of our community. We are here to help you understand technological news in a simpler way. Let's learn together about the future of technology!