Legal notice

This document serves as a detailed legal notice for Materias do Dia, covering copyrights, disclaimers and protection rights applicable to content monetized through advertisements on our portal.

Copyright and Use of Content Unless otherwise stated, all copyright, database rights and similar rights in all materials published on are the exclusive property of Materias do Dia. We authorize the reproduction of the material available on our website for personal, commercial and public use, including the possibility of publication on other websites. However, we require that any reproduction incorporate modifications that add value to the original content and that due credit be attributed to Materias do Dia, accompanied by a link directed to our website. It is not necessary to request formal written permission from Materias do Dia to store or transmit the material on another website under these conditions.

Disclaimer While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy, functionality and currency of the content on, we do not guarantee the infallibility, quality or full functionality of the website. Access to the website may occasionally be interrupted, restricted or delayed for a variety of reasons.

Likewise, we assume no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or suitability of the content published on the website for any specific purposes. Within the limits imposed by current legislation, we disclaim any and all liability for direct or indirect damage or loss (including, without limitation, financial loss, damage to commercial projects, loss of profits or other consequential losses) arising from the use or inability of using the Materias do Dia website, as well as any material made available therein, or any action or decision taken as a result of the use of Materias do Dia or its content.

Links to External Sites may contain links to external websites, for which we assume no responsibility. We have no control over the content or practices of these external sites.

Protection Rights The name and logo of Materias do Dia are registered trademarks belonging exclusively to us. The use or reproduction of these trademarks, without prior authorization, is expressly prohibited.

Our mission is to maintain our commitment to content quality and user experience, constantly working to improve the relevance and accuracy of the information provided. Despite our continued efforts, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of content at all times. We are dedicated to continually improving the site to meet and exceed our readers' expectations.

For questions related to this legal notice, please contact us via email at [email protected].