How to increase Serasa score: practical tips to improve your score


Credit score is one of the most important factors for those who want to obtain credit in the market. In Brazil, Serasa is one of the main companies responsible for calculating and providing consumers' credit scores. 

Increasing the Serasa Score requires some practices that can help improve the consumer's reputation in the market. One of the main tips is to keep your bills up to date and avoid late payments. 

Credit time is another factor that influences the Serasa score, as the longer you have positive credit, the higher your score will be. Continue reading to stay up to date with the information we have separated for you.

Quick answer

To improve your credit score and find it easier to obtain credit in the market, you must maintain a good payment history and avoid default. Regularize your financial issues and keep your data updated on Serasa, as this is the company that, in Brazil, most influences your credit score.

Understanding the Serasa score

How to increase Serasa score: practical tips to improve your score - Source: Reproduction
How to increase Serasa score: practical tips to improve your score – Source: Reproduction

The Serasa Score is a score that measures the credit risk of a person or company. This score is calculated based on various information, such as payment history, outstanding debts, registration age, among others.

This is a tool that financial institutions use to understand the risks of default. The higher your score, the more chances of credit approval you have.

Factors that influence the increase in the score

The Serasa score is an important means of assessing the risk of providing credit to a specific customer. It is important to keep the data updated with Serasa, so that companies can get in touch if necessary.


There is no magic formula for increasing your score, but some practices can help improve your credit score. Some of the main information that influences the Serasa Score score is:

  • Having a good payment history helps increase yours;
  • The longer you have positive credit, the higher your score will be; 
  • Registration data always updated;
  • Avoid consulting your CPF;

Increasing your Serasa score can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. 

On-time payments and credit history

Keeping payments up to date and avoiding delays is an essential practice for anyone who wants to increase their score. Through timely payments, it is possible to analyze your financial behavior and your ability to manage your payment obligations.

Having a good payment history ensures that you can get lower rates, good deals, better financing exemptions and even exemptions from certain fees. In general, avoiding delays provides better credit conditions, representing healthy and responsible financial management.

Conscientious use of credit

Conscientious use of credit, that is, avoiding taking on more debt than you can pay, and not using your entire credit card limit, is also an important practice to increase your score. 

It is recommended that you plan your purchases, make a budget and avoid purchasing excessive installments. It is also essential to pay bills on time and avoid delays, to maintain a good payment history.

Take care not to harm your score

How to increase Serasa score: practical tips to improve your score - Source: Reproduction
How to increase Serasa score: practical tips to improve your score – Source: Reproduction

To keep your Serasa score in a good position, it is important to be careful with the information you share and how you share it. Here are some tips for keeping your credit score healthy.

The Importance of updated data

Keep your data always up to date, including your address, telephone number and email, because financial institutions will use your information to assess the level of risk in granting loans and financing. 

Regular score check

Regular score analysis is one of the most important practices for keeping your credit score at a good level, which is why Serasa provides a tool that allows you to consult your score for free. 

When checking, it is important to analyze whether all the information in the credit report is correct and up to date. If an error is identified, you must contact serasa to correct it.

Link to check your Serasa Score

Avoiding scams and fraud

Serasa offers an alert service that notifies the user by email or SMS whenever there is a significant change in their score, whether an increase or a decrease.

However, there are many scams and frauds out there that try to trick people into sharing personal and financial information. This can lead to a drop in your Serasa score and put your banking information at risk. 

To avoid scams and fraud, it is important to follow some protective measures:

  • Do not share your passwords and do not use easy-to-guess passwords;
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links; 
  • Do not share personal information; 
  • Make sure the website you are using is secure before entering banking information.


The Serasa score is an important means of assessing the risk of providing credit to a specific customer. The higher your score, the greater the chances of obtaining credit with lower interest rates and longer terms.

Creating a monthly budget and recording all expenses and income, whether on a spreadsheet or in a notebook, is also important. Separate expenses by categories, such as housing, food, transportation, leisure, among others.

Serasa notifies the user via email or SMS whenever there is a significant change in their score, whether an increase or a decrease. Be aware of scams! 

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Carol Torres

Graduated in advertising and publicity and senior writer at Matérias do dia. My mission is to write impactful texts that make a difference in the lives of our readers!